Arco Properties has pledged to donate 10% of our annual profits and at least 5% of each of our employees’ time to community organizations.
In 2006, we donated $11,500 to Fundación Calicanto, a Casco Antiguo-based non-profit originally formed to secure the World Heritage Site designation and now re-structuring to do social work. The donation was dedicated to support 52 classes of music, dance and arts program for children in the neighbourhood and to send a group of 20 women in the area to a course in hotel services for three months. By 2009, the program had successfully graduated more than 60 women, of whom 89% had obtained permanent work.
In 2009, we supported the creation of Casco Antiguo’s neighborhood association AVACA (Asociación de Vecinos y Amigos del Casco Antiguo) as a tool to contribute to the revitalization of the Casco from the point of the civil society. Today, as part of Conservatorio Group, Arco Properties is a certified B Corporation. For more information about our promoter company, visit Conservatorio S.A.