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Recycling art, urbanism and fashion | Arco Properties  

Casco Life

Recycling art, urbanism and fashion

Panama, Casco Viejo, Casco Antiguo

There was a lot happening this weekend, I`m sorry I couldn´t go to everything. From what I did manage to get to, here were my top picks:

The urbanism talk at American Trade Hotel on how social housing can regenerate societies.  I was glad to learn that there are several ongoing projects in Panama trying to apply the concepts discussed in the talk. All based on human scale, not on “car scale”. As in our beloved Casco!


The recycling art at MACRO. Yes, everyone came for the fashion, I came for the garbage… Really loved the plastic bottle sculptures at the park! Turtles, dolphins, capibaras and more out of water plastic bottles. Heard San Francisco (USA) banned them? What a bold step! we do need some inspiration…

There was also Jonathan Harker`s & Donna Conlon`s video called “Domino Effect”. It was cleverly projected at the side of La Merced Church, where people gathered to enjoy it.  Have to say, it has an hypnotizing effect! It will be one of the pieces traveling soon to be shown at Art Basel, Miami.

video art casco viejo art casco viejo IMG_6116 plastic bottle turtle casco viejo recycling art casco viejo



Live, Work,

in Casco.
Arco Properties is the leading real estate agency focused exclusively on residential and commercial properties in Casco Antiguo since 2005. We are the only real estate company specializing in Casco Antiguo that donates 10% of its profits and 5% of the time of its staff in volunteering to non-profit organizations dedicated to the revitalization of the Human Heritage of the Casco Antiguo.
Arco Properties is an affiliate of Grupo Conservatorio. We are committed to inclusive and sustainable urban revitalization. We believe in the value of socially diverse communities and in building one affordable apartment for each high-end apartment.

For more information

  • Panamá: +507-228-6650
  • Calle 4a y Ave A, Edificio Cuatro Casas,
    Planta Baja, Casco Antiguo.