Real Estate For Rent, Casco Viejo, Panama Casco Viejo is buzzing with activity. Construction everywhere, hotels getting ready to open. Opportunities for small and larger businesses have started to open, from medium size commercial spaces to technically unrestored buildings that…
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Panama Casco Viejo A signature feature of colonial apartments in Casco Viejo is the use of hand made tiles. Colorful designs that are set up as carpets, one different for each room. Sometimes they cover the entire area, sometimes just…
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Casco Antiguo, Panama It used to be the flag ship store of the Benedetti Hermanos back in 1928. The original commercial space at the ground floor had an elegant glass facade that echoed the look and feel of Madison Avenue…
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Casco Antiguo, Panama A client came into our office yesterday and marveled at the thriving activity in Casco Viejo. He pointed out that there are almost no streets in San Felipe that doesn`t have something going on, whether a…
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One of the things I enjoy the most in Casco Viejo is the fact that each home is truly different from the one next to it. There are no identical twins here, no “copy – paste” and each one has…
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In the last few months, a battle of ideas have been taking place in Panama, concerning Casco Viejo. For more than a year, the government has been exploring options to connect Panama City (modern side) to future private developments in…
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Casco Viejo Real Estate Blog Having a 400 mt2 home in a historic city (any historic city) is quite a unique thing. Those are truly special opportunities, each one is irreplaceable. At this time you will be able to find…
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Casco Viejo Real Estate Blog This is probably the most diverse real estate category in Casco Viejo, Panama. You can find anything from one bedrooms to two bedrooms, with views and sometimes if you are lucky even parking. $329,000 Casa…
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From time to time we like to present a snapshot of what`s on the market in Casco Viejo. This is the first of three postings: real estate property under $300K, under $500K and Special Homes. On the “perfect for singles”…
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