Starting 2013 with New Businesses, New Offers and Anniversaries! | Arco Properties


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Starting 2013 with New Businesses, New Offers and Anniversaries!

Casco Viejo, Panama

After being away for a while on vacation, we just came back to a good number of new stuff going on!

We just missed on an audio visual festival, but we look forward to the Film Festival coming to Casco this April. I`ll post more on that later. This Sunday, our friend Matt Landau will proudly represent Casco on the second edition of IronMan Panama.  Big OMG on that one! And also, a number of little places have been opening their doors to our delight, or counting their first anniversary birthday candle. Casco keeps moving forward! here is the info on some of the latest offers, businesses and initiatives!

Casa Sucre Coffee House: corner of Calle 8 and B Avenue, diagonal to Tantalo, this is an owner run café by Alice and Richard Sherman. They put a homey touch to everything they do: above is Casa Sucre Bed and Breakfast and below is now their coffee house.

Also, La Petite Bretagne is having their first anniversary! Here is the info on their offers for their special February 7th:

And also great stuff coming from Las Clementinas! Special Lunch Menu at $9.50.  If you call them, they can send the “carrito” (golf cart) to pick you up wherever you are in Casco: 228-7613