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Panama of Yesteryear Video- Casco Viejo

Panama Casco Viejo, Casco Antiguo

Eldredge Muybridge was a photographer that visited Panama around 1886 (aprox). He took amazing photos of what “Panama” was like back then (now only Casco Viejo), an incredible testimony of the country`s humble beginnings. This video shows before and afters, a great moment to reflect on the advantages of modernity and the place that history could or should have in our lives or in our cities. Buildings are physical witnesses of ourselves, and not because we were, we are, or we`ll be. And yet, it is so fantastic to have those roots standing alive, vibrant today in Casco, this place to come back to – not to regress- but to find ourselves and find tools for a better future.

Thanks to Jennifer Hotsko from AVACA for finding it and circulating it!
