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“Pequeños Gigantes” Feature Kid from Fundacion Calicanto`s Dance Program in Casco Viejo | Arco Properties  

Casco Life

“Pequeños Gigantes” Feature Kid from Fundacion Calicanto`s Dance Program in Casco Viejo

Panama Casco Viejo

“Pequeños Gigantes” (Little Giants) is a popular Panamanian TV talent Show,, where kids compete in teams and are viewed by thousands of people.  For many, it is a dream, and to get there, an amazing effort. This week`s competition had a very special member: José Garrido, a student of Enlaces, Fundacion Calicanto`s dance program.

José, like many of the students in the program, lives in Chorrillo, an area known for extreme poverty and social problems. Through Enlaces, Jose has developed his talents and strengthen his education at normal school, while keeping away from being at risk in the streets.  The program has about 40 kids like him, who are being nurtured through art to be leaders in their communities, inspire and break the cycle of poverty.

We are proud for all of them, and specially today for José or his participation in Pequeños Gigantes!

Here is a video where you can see what Enlaces does.  José is the first kid you`ll see in it:


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Arco Properties is the leading real estate agency focused exclusively on residential and commercial properties in Casco Antiguo since 2005. We are the only real estate company specializing in Casco Antiguo that donates 10% of its profits and 5% of the time of its staff in volunteering to non-profit organizations dedicated to the revitalization of the Human Heritage of the Casco Antiguo.
Arco Properties is an affiliate of Grupo Conservatorio. We are committed to inclusive and sustainable urban revitalization. We believe in the value of socially diverse communities and in building one affordable apartment for each high-end apartment.

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  • Panamá: +507-228-6650
  • Calle 4a y Ave A, Edificio Cuatro Casas,
    Planta Baja, Casco Antiguo.