Panama Casco Viejo Imagine a card that would give you great offers at your favorite places in Casco Viejo. Really cool stuff like discounts and special access so you can enjoy with your friends and family. Such card exists!!! Yes!…
Panama Casco Viejo Yesterday was Idalibeth and Doña Mary`s Christmas Party. Every year, they host a party for the neighborhood kids, an event that has grown from being in someone`s borrowed patio to the big Plaza Centenario. At least a…
Panama Casco Viejo Successful second year! the Carols by Candlelight concert filled in Plaza Francia with tons of people from all over, singing and dancing. Congratulations to the Canada Club and to David Young and his team for organizing…
Panama, Casco Viejo This year, Casco Viejo’s neighborhood association AVACA celebrated its third anniversary. It is called AVACA for its Spanish name: Asociación de Vecinos y Amigos del Casco Antiguo, and for three years it has been the voice of…
Panama, Casco Viejo This is my favorite Casco Crew: they work like crazy, but never seem stressed. It is the only crew I know that loves working 24 hours straight, delivers on time and the product normally comes out better…
Casco Viejo Panama What is great about this time of the year is that people take time to spend it together and share with others. Here are some photos of the small parties I`ve seen in the neighborhood, from local…
Panama Casco Viejo Last night was the lightning of Casco Viejo`s Christmas Tree at Plaza Francia. The group of parents and children walked singing from Plaza Herrera all the way to the point of the peninsula. This event will be…
Panama Casco Viejo Throughout the year, local volunteers team up kids to play soccer (in Panama we call it “futbol”). The kids love it, and it helps to keep them engaged, working in teams and out of the streets. This…
Casco Viejo, Panama Real Estate and Lifestyle at Casco Viejo Last Friday we went to one of Diablo Rosso`s art shows in Casco Viejo, which was named using the game of words Diablo (Devil in Spanish): “A Friend of the…