Vintage porn posters revive old Casco Viejo Theatre | Arco Properties


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Vintage porn posters revive old Casco Viejo Theatre

Teatro Amador is one of the cutest looking theatres of Casco Viejo.  A romantic fasade, has been awaiting for restoration for a while. Their owners, however, are starting to re activate the space… and what best ocassion than a big Halloween art show featuring original vintage porn posters from the 70´s and 80´s (and some earlier!) of another Casco Viejo icon: Teatro Variedades.

History of theatres in Casco Viejo is interesting. While the San Felipe town had Teatro Nacional (National Theatre), Santa Ana which was a more popular area had Teatro Variedades. With the decline of the old quarter, both theatres (and later Teatro Amador itself) decayed to the point of showing movies (porn mostly) and even boxing matches.  Luckily, with Casco´s restoration they are slowly coming back to life. Today, the National Theatre is one of the most elegant theatres in Panama City. Teatro Variedades and Amador have been bought by developers and hopefully their time will come soon.   In the meantime, Teatro Amador will be an open space for interesting art shows and events.

Other Halloween events will be held by Relic (costume party) and Indigo Restaurant (sexy party!).

Where to go?

Teatro Amador: Avenida Central and 10th street. After the traffic light, follow the street towards Santa Ana Plaza. You´ll see it at your right.

Relic: 9th Street and B Avenue. At Luna´s Castle.

Indigo: Central Avenue, between 2nd and 3rd.