Beatlemania tomorrow in Danilo Perez Jazz Club, just like the love craze born in 1963 for everything Beatles related. Dust off your memories and sharpen up your knowledge because there won’t only be music, there will be trivia.
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FROM THE 4 TO THE 9 > INTERNATIONAL FESTIVAL OF PERFORMING ARTS WORKSHOPS Level 200 of CCE|CdS The Audiovisual and Performing Arts Foundation (FAE) is putting together the 7th International Festival of Performing Arts of Panama, a biennial event which…
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The Committee of Friends of Churches of the Casco Antiguo have put together a list of times and dates for the Litrugical Celebrations during Holy Week. This year Palm Sunday falls on March 20.
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Friday 12> PRESS CONFERENCE. II MUSIC FESTIVAL OF EARLY PANAMANIAN MUSIC 11:00 am The II Music Festival of Early Panamanian Music will be held from the 24th to the 28th of February at the Panama Viejo ruins, and at the Anita…
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A bit under the estimated 3% but definately better than other countries in Latin America (Mexico is at -8.2% according to La Prensa, Costa Rica at -4.8%), Panama seems to be holding its ground during this difficult period. Hope is…
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Posted on April 09, 2009
by patrizia in Art, Casco Antiguo, Community, events, Investment, Know Panama, Panama, Real Estate, Social Work, tourism, Travel, Urban Art
Slowly, organically, through patience and passion, Casco Viejo has grown to be Panama´s point of reference not only to experience the roots of the country but for most art events, concerts and shows.
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Like the Greeks, the Chinese and so many others back in their time, Panamanian students at Casco Antiguo´s public schools walk around the historic city to learn about their history "first hand". To see them enjoying history brings history itself…
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Urban revitalization is one of those things that can be understood several ways. Everyone has an opinion and a vision, but time is the ultimate judge. This is an article worth reading about the theme, exposing some interesting paralels with…
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I have to say I fell in love with these guys last Sunday. I mean, really... the world is going so fast and news are always gloom, I rather be with them. And I thought, all things considered if I…
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Obama´s election was cheered by everyone. However, there is so much stuff to fix at home, so many sacrifices to be made... so much hard work. What about Panama? Casco Viejo? what are the advantages, the choices?
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