Scouts at Casco Viejo | Arco Properties


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Scouts at Casco Viejo

Casco Viejo Panama
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Panama Casco Antiguo

Casco Viejo Scout Tropa 3

If you walk around San Felipe on a Saturday afternoon, anywhere around 1 p.m. you`ll see a group of 15 to 20 kids with Scouts uniforms roaming around with their “pack leader”.  The kids, anywhere from 6 years old or older (well, with some exceptions!) are all from Casco Viejo.  Through the Scouts they learn team work and values through games and fun lessons. Each Saturday, they gather at Santa Familia in Calle 4ta and address issues that go from opening a bank account to discipline and family.

You would probably think, well, nothing extraordinary about that. But don`t take anything for granted. The Scouts work with kids that come from the poorest areas in Panama, some with extreme family issues and for the Casco they`ve helped break the cycle of violence by nurturing children with self esteem, values and fair play.

Never too young to be a Scout! On Sunday, Panama`s Scouts Association celebrated San Francis of Asis day, which is the patron of the Lobatos (the youngest group at the Scouts).  Casco Viejo kids had the opportunity to join Scouts from all over Panama and had a blast. I have to say I was moved, to see them dancing, singing and enjoying themselves. But above all, I was impressed with the quality of the leaders who were true teachers, true parents.

Hats off to the Scouts!