Salsipuedes features Casco Viejo | Arco Properties


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Salsipuedes film features Casco Viejo

Panamá, Casco Viejo, Casco Antiguo

Last night, Teatro Balboa was packed. The movie showing was the Panamanian movie Salsipuedes, almost entirely shot in Casco Viejo (Yes, there were some airport shots we didn´t get! ). The story was well put together, and the casting included children from the neighborhood, incredible talent! I didn´t realize how incredibly diverse Casco was for a film maker: the beach, plazas, old buildings, new buildings, rural look, city look, you can cut and paste depending on what you want to achive.

Congratulations, well done! here is the trailer: (there are English subtitles)

Festival is still going on strong, so don´t forget to visit their site to see what´s next.

5to festival full crowd opening party IFF Panama 2016 Teatro Balboa