Restoring a historic building in Casco Viejo, Panama | Arco Properties


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Restoring a historic building in Casco Viejo, Panama

Panama, Casco Viejo – Casco Antiguo

Restoring a building in Casco Viejo takes at least 3 “P”: patience, professionalism and passion. But when it finally comes together and you start working, wao! People visiting Casco Viejo notice a lot of construction going on. What they can´t see is the amazing work being done behind it: only to approve full plans might take you a year. Building a three story building could take you another year and a half that can quickly turn into two if you are not careful. However, for those who like being part of creating something, this might be one of the most rewarding activities.

One of the things that make it so special is digging into history and finding pieces of “your” building. Yesterday, looking at a historic magazine called “Epocas” I found this photo. The building is currently under construction, and I can´t wait to see the final result:

Building under restoration