Pristine Jungle and Frozen Beers | Arco Properties


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Pristine Jungle and Frozen Beers

My Sunday started in Casco Viejo, Panama, at 7:30 a.m. when, after walking the dog and fixing our backpack we headed to Gamboa to catch the boat to go fishing in one of the world´s biggest artificial lakes.

Gatun lake is unbelievable. I´ve been visiting it for the last ten years, and I´ve enjoyed each trip.  It is an incredibly alive green emerald full of monkeys and species not even known to mankind yet (ask any Smithsonian scientist in Panama, they´ll tell you is a true mine).

In just five hours, we saw crazy monkeys, crocodriles, birds of all tastes, pelicans fishing in sweet waters? sure! why not.  And just when you think you´ve seen it all, a bar, in the middle of nowhere (one of the towns bordering the protected area), offers you the best frozen beer to cool you down from the hot, tropical weather.  Ten beers for $6.  What a day!

Back to my beloved home in Casco Antiguo at 1 p.m…..