Market Update: La Quince at Santa Ana

Panama, Casco Viejo, Santa Ana
A week ago we did an Instagram Live, updating the market info on the status of our projects at La Quince in Santa Ana. Here are the highlights.
But first, if this is the first time you are reading about La Quince or Santa Ana, here is a bit of what we are doing:
1. What is La Quince: is a cluster of properties we are revitalizing behind the Santa Ana church. They are part of the Patrimonial part of Santa Ana, and therefore part of Casco Antiguo subject to the Casco Viejo law and tax incentives. Casco Viejo includes all the way to 15th Street, our projects start at 14th and go up to 15th.
2. What are they and where are they?: these are the names of the buildings: Casa Patterson, Casa Balcones, Casa Quijano, La Manzana and Casa Korsi. They are all literally in the same street, some side by side some right in front or corner to.
3. Concept: what we are offering is a neighborhood concept, not only an isolated apartment. It is the cluster, the group that is bringing back the whole street. Also, the concept includes mixed use, for example, La Manzana will have offices, and a theatre. All of them will benefit from Casco´s tax incentives, specially if you own commercial property like offices or commercial space.
For more info: (full bilingual), recepción@arcoproperties (bilingual)
This is the Update:
Casa Balcones: almost ready! paint job is at 98%, other details at 90%. Permits are well advanced in the different government offices. This will be the first one to deliver units! We still have 3 units available, and 5 commercial spaces for sale. Prices for residential: $120,000 and $140,000.
$140,000: balcony looking to the street
$120,000: internal looking units
La Manzana: This project has studio apartments and a single (and really awesome) two bedroom apartment. It also has a cultural component, with the theatre downstairs, restaurants and offices available for sale or rent.
Studios starting at $80,000
Theatre and internal patio
Para Casa Patterson, we have already delivered most of the units and have only 1 available for sale. A beautiful two bedroom at $160,000.
Para Korsi and Quijano we are so ready to start construction! as soon as the government starts working we´ll be right at their doors for the final details and to be able to start.
We are excited about the level of advances we have for La Quince. Think that by the ends of this year, we should be already delivering and finishing about 74 residential units, all of them in the same street! talk about transformation! Plus, 5 commercial spaces for sale or rent.