Los Del Patio`s Wishlist | Arco Properties


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Los Del Patio`s Wishlist

Casco Antiguo, Panama


Los Del Patio is a small art center in Casco Viejo that provides classes for local children as well as adults. They also have art shows, theater plays and even a small café. Little by little, they`ve been putting together all the tools they need for their work, however they are still missing some stuff and would like to let everyone know in case you happen to have one at home or just want to donate.

Here it is! Los Del Patio Wishlist: it goes from an a/c unit and 40 chairs for their classroom, to art supplies (brush, paint, cardboard, etc.).  You can contact YIYI at their FACEBOOK page.  Or email Arco Properties and we`ll put you in touch: patrizia@arcoproperties.com