Halloween in Casco Viejo! | Arco Properties


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Halloween in Casco Viejo!

Panama Casco Viejo
Casco Antiguo Panama
Nightlife and Real Estate at Panama`s Historic City

Samhain is coming! Today known as Halloween, this celebration was originated in Samhain, the Celtic rite for  the passing from Autum to the darkness of Winter, where ancestors were honored and evil spirits were scared away by using costumes and masks. Quite an appropiate celebration (if you ask me) to be had at a 300 year old colonial town like Casco Viejo in Panama.

As you may imagine, since the fun part was to use costumes and masks,  today`s version is a bit “off” with the original meaning… but well!!! it is still tons and tons of fun. And in Casco Viejo, many are celebrating it this upcoming weekend.

Starting on Friday, newly opened Cafe St. Phillipe will have a special night with Bloody Mary`s (of course!) and a special Halloween Dinner. Call them at 228-0400, they are located next to Arco Properties at Calle 4ta and A Avenue.

Zombie Walk Casco ViejoSaturday 30th and for the first time in Casco Viejo, Robbies`famous Zombie Walk and Concert by Filtro Medusa.  All dead people please present yourselves at Central Avenue and 10th. The event is completely free and tons of fun! The walk will cover most San Felipe, so you`ll have the opportunity to scare everyone.

The 30th is where most parties will be happening. There will be one in Central Avenue, by 7th Street. The add said: look for the smoke curtain.  Manuela at Caffe Per Due in Calle 2nda will have an early party.

Also Relic will have their big costume party! Last year was crazy, people really got into it. I saw anything and everything, and hope this year people overdo it again! Casco Viejo Halloween Party

Sunday the 31st, Hotel Casco Antiguo (former Hotel Colon) at 11th Street will have their party as well.

I found this little Samhain poem and liked it:

A year of beauty. A year of plenty.
A year of planting. A year of harvest.
A year of forests. A year of healing.
A year of vision. A year of passion.
A year of rebirth. A year of rebirth.
This year may we renew the earth.

So whether you go Celtic or not… let`s celebrate!