Growing food at home: balconies and terraces | Arco Properties


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Growing food at home: balconies and terraces

Panama, Casco Viejo, Casco Antiguo


The first year I started writing this blog (back in 2008!) I stumbled into the fact that in Panama, anything left in a pot with dirt and water germinates, specially during rainy season.  As a Panamanian I knew this, but when I started composting, all of a sudden I had a full bounty of tomato plants and a bunch of other stuff that I didn´t recognize.  As any mother with their first child, I literally wrote about every single flower and every tomato that grew in my balcony.  Ever since, and after moving several times (until finally at home!) in Casco, I´ve experienced several corners with their lights, shadows and temperature patterns.  Our home now, has a full combination of pretty much every concept, as each balcony kind of faces a different side, and we have a roof terrace, which is completely different animal.

After several wins and setbacks  I can now proudly show you some of my latest crops!

But first, if you are a garden enthusiast coming from the north, know this: in Panama light is harsher. Much harsher. And temperatures are double harsh. When things say “full sunlight” in most text books, it really means mostly light areas here.  Keep an eye while you adjust what you know to this terrain. Balconies I´ve found, are awesome. Specially if they are not sunny all day, but just the morning light. So, here it is!

Lemongrass and lettuces love light and heat, so no problems with those! =)