Commercial Investment in La Quince, Santa Ana | Arco Properties


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Commercial Investment in La Quince, Santa Ana

Casco Viejo, Casco Antiguo, Santa Ana


There have been two constants in this CoVid 19 world: we are all hyper local and ultra connected.  Because of current mobility restrictions, people are staying home more than ever, and when they do leave, it is to their trusted businesses, nearby, to avoid large concentrations and long lines.  While many things will change when the country opens up again, we believe hyper local and ultra connected will continue to be a trend.  If you are diversifying your portfolio, we invite you to consider commercial locales in La Quince, Casco Viejo.  At this time, we are offering five commercial spaces at Casa Balcones, with different uses. Some will be able to host food and beverage businesses and some will be more retail oriented.

Here are the top  reasons why we believe they are a good long term investment:

1. Location: they are in Casco, within the UNESCO World Heritage Site. Limited availability and walkable community!

2. Tax Incentives: if you choose to buy any of the commercial spaces in Casa Balcones, it will be property tax free for 30 years. And if you do so to operate your own business from the space, then you have a capital gain tax incentive for your business.

3. Preferential rate: no matter the price, Casco Viejo property is elegible for a preferential rate when financing with a bank, basically a 3%.

4. Up and Coming: as Grupo Conservatorio delivers all the properties in La Quince, Casa Balcones is poised to experience the upside of the influx of people and new families moving in. Casco and specially Santa Ana are highly walkable communities and tend to create strong ties with small neighborhood businesses. Between this year and the next, we´ll be delivering over 70 residential units in the same street, and starting to inject energy in La Manzana, the commercial and cultural center of La Quince.  By 2022, another 70 residential units should be delivered or close to being delivered.  All buildings being a throw stone away from each other!

Here are two locales of the 5 commercial spaces for your consideration:  Balcones 142 and Balcones 143

As per July 2020, here is a video of the development in the area:


Casa Balcones (Yellow building) has commercial spaces towards Calle 14 and Calle 15. This shot was taken from Calle 15. In the second photo you can see Casa Balcones next to the already finished Casa Patterson. The third photo shows the future location of Casa Korsi, which is scheduled to deliver at the ends of 2022,beginnings of 2023.  The fourth photo shows the street from Casa Patterson.

Below, you see the photos of La Manzana, with all the commercial space dominating the whole block. Next to it, already other neighborhood retail is opening.