“Chic” Casco Viejo | Arco Properties


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“Chic” Casco Viejo

Casco Viejo is one of this places where everything mix. Bohemian, authentic, slick and chic, everyone co exists and you would almost say it wouldn´t be the same without it.  From Jazz Fest to Halloween, from a thursday night out at Mojito´s grill playing trivia at an open garden surrounded by old calicanto stone walls that are at least 150 years old eating hamburger,  this neighborhood is just special.

Last night, everyone in Casco Antiguo dressed up and went for a “chic” night out. Starting with a fashion show at the Municipality (antigua Casa Arias Feraud) and later to a special sushi night at the Deli Gourmet. The fashion show featured French designer Helene Breebart and Madeleine Cranfield from San Diego, California showed their best collections. Helene´s specialty is ethnic inspired clothing. For years, she´s been working with the kuna indians in Panama to create stylish clothing. Latelly, I´ve even seen swimming suits with mola designs! Madeleine´s specialy is silk. She has beautiful and delicate creations inspired in nature. A great combination for these two artists, and Panama was their muse. Later on, sushi night at Deli Gourmet. Chef and new Casco Viejo resident Sajoscha delighted guests with his creations. Soon, he´ll be opening a restaurant in Calle 1era…..