Casco Viejo Balcony Memories from the 50`s | Arco Properties


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Casco Viejo Balcony Memories from the 50`s

Panama, Casco Viejo, Casco Antiguo

This week I`ve been taking care of my nephew at my grandmother`s house. One of the many treats of doing it, is that I get to take a look at our old family albums with photos from when the family lived in Calle 6ta, next to the Canal Museum, back then the Mail & Telegraphy headquarters.

My dad, when thinking back at his childhood, always referred at that balcony fondly, the time spend there with friends and family.  But only yesterday, while looking at the albums I could find a glimpse of those memories, as I found two photos of them having fun, as we say in Spanish: “balconeando”.  Here they are! in one of them you can see Plaza Catedral at the back. On the other one, today`s “Casa Mallet” at A Avenue and 6th.

One of my dad`s famous anecdotes was that one day, while my grandma was working at the Telegraphy she saw my dad (and probably others) riding the balcony as horses. Yep. You can imagine the rest of the story, better spelled as t.r.o.u.b.l.e…  why am I not surprised?

Casco Viejo balconeando balconeando Casco Viejo