Amazing model of Casco Viejo shown at University of Panama
Panama, Casco Viejo, Casco Antiguo
Dom Cartooch is a French artist who lived in Casco for years. At some point I saw him roaming around with a meassuring tape and students sometimes with him, and I wasn´t really sure what he was up to other than modeling some buildings. But it wasn´t just “some buildings”… it was the entire historic site of Casco Antiguo!
What an amazing task!
This week, the 9 mt x 6 mt model is being shown at the University of Panama, Architecture Faculty. The project was done together with Peruvian Erasmo Benoutte and will be at the University until November 26. The challenge will be bringing this to Casco (as it is so big!) and having it be a permanent exhibit somewhere.
Congratulations Dom and Erasmo! Check out the article with photos here: