Panama Travel News: KLM Adds more Flights to Panama | Arco Properties


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Panama Travel News: KLM Adds more Flights to Panama

Panama, Casco Viejo  –  Casco Antiguo, San Felipe


Flash announcement!  The Dutch – French airline (Air France – KLM) announced that they’ll add 2 more regular flights to Panama, starting December 01st, 2008. According to Axel Metselaar, general manager of the firm in Panama, their decision was based on the increase of demand due to the works at the Panama Canal Expansion, which has attracted several European companies and has put the word out for Panama as a tourism destination.

 And what destination within Panama City is quoted by all the studies of the Tourism Bureau as the second most visited ?  (and only second to the Panama Canal itself)… Casco Viejo !

According to the note at La Prensa, the occupation level at KLM has reached 92% and keeps growing which totally contradicts the world’s tendency to cut out flights instead of reopening them.