Panama invests heavily in airport infrastructure and increases flights and routes all over the world | Arco Properties


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Panama invests heavily in airport infrastructure and increases flights and routes all over the world

Panama is closer to the world each day. The article, featured at La Prensa´s Martes Financiero talks about the fast increase Panama has experienced in number of flights, routes and carriers, in a moment in time where the world seems to be suffering due to the credit crisis and the increase in gas prices.Last week, Air Caribes launched flights to France via Guadalupe, that will make the jump to Europe in only 10 hours. Next month, KLM will renew flights to Amsterdam´s hub, which where stopped back in 1998.  Just to show how different is Panama nine years later.  This hub to hub connection would allow easy access to Europe and Middle East. Even Mexicana has started flying back to Panama. TACA is also increasing its presence in the country through its branch Sansa, opening flights to San José, Costa Rica and David (Chiriquí) which used to be a local airport, but is now gearing up to be an international boosted by the increasing foreign community living in this province. Demand keeps growing, and according to the article the number of destinations has increased a 38% from year 2000. The United States has also raised its participation through American Airlines and Delta, opening new flights and increasing frequency. Cities like Dallas have daily flights now, and you can´t get a seat from Miami if you don´t plan ahead. Delta inaugurated Atlanta in June and  New York in December. COPA alone (Panama´s the national carrier) opened new routes to USA (Washington), Córdoba (Argentina), Guadalajara (México) and Punta Cana (Dominican Republic). They have expanded their fleet investing more than 700 million dollars in the last five years. Parallel to all this activity, Panama is investing more than $4 million in airport infrastructure throughout the country, gearing up to be the best regional hub. 

Patrizia Pinzon
Arco Properties 

Today at martes financiero at la prensa


Invierten 4.5 millones en aeropuertos

Raúl A.

Cuatro millones 575 mil dólares asignó para este año la Autoridad Aeronáutica Civil (AAC) para la construcción, reparación y mantenimiento de las instalaciones aeroportuarias del país, confirmó Gregorio Montecer, asesor de la dirección general de esta institución.

El funcionario detalló que de este monto, cuatro millones 325 mil dólares estará destinado propiamente para la construcción y mejoras de los aeropuertos, mientras que el resto, 250 mil dólares, será utilizado en la conservación de las áreas verdes de las terminales aeroportuarias.

En el plan de mejoras está programada la rehabilitación del pavimento de la plataforma del aeropuerto Marcos A. Gelabert, que incluye la reposición de losas, limpieza, resanar y sellado de juntas, así como la colocación de morteros asfálticos.

En este mismo aeropuerto, ubicado en Albrook, en la ciudad capital, se pretende remodelar el edificio de la terminal de pasajeros con el fin de acondicionar áreas para atender a un mayor número de viajeros.

El presupuesto de la AAC para este año supera los 27 millones de dólares.