Flying Poetry: La Tribu Performance at Plaza Herrera | Arco Properties


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Flying Poetry: La Tribu Performance at Plaza Herrera

Panama, Casco Viejo, Casco Antiguo

Saturday and Sunday Plaza Herrera was packed: everyone waiting to see the full show “Cayendo Volando” by La Tribu Performance, an experimental circus group that blends the usual circus acrobatics with aerial dancing. In this case, dancing on top of building facades!

The whole show was very well put together, La Tribu worked together with Organización Efímera (Spain), Circo Andante (Perú) and Carolina Cabañas (Costa Rica), together they won the Fondo Iberescena for the arts 2014.

It is all about little stories, well weaved, which had the audience moving around the plaza and guessing what was going to happen next. The end of the show was a spectacular fire show from many angles, the music to match such a complex scene.

From my old dancing days I know a show like this had to involve a lot of sweat and people. I am so glad this happened, and wanted to congratulate Leo and everyone involved! Kudos!

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