Casco Viejo Panama Casco Antiguo Panama Real Estate For Sale For Rent Our friend Steve sent us this great video of all the fun we had in Thanksgiving. Couldn´t find how to embed it, but please check it out!…
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Panama Casco Viejo For Sale Panama Casco Antiguo For Rent Historic Real Estate by Iranovy Grenald (Excerpt from La Prensa) For 4th consecutive years, young voices come to the National Theater. It was the soprano Nicole Puga and the Baritone…
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Casco Antiguo, San Felipe Panama, Casco Viejo Last night, a group of friends organized a tapas night at Canal House in Casco Viejo with Argimiro, a Panamanian young chef who studied in Spain and even did his professional practice at…
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Panama, Casco Antiguo Casco Viejo, San Felipe August seems to start with great enthusiasm. It is the National Theatre´s 100 year anniversary, plus other events are at hand. Here is the latest on cultural events in the Casco: August 7th…
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Panama, Casco Viejo Casco Antiguo, San Felipe Every Sunday I do my grocery shop trip to the “outsides”. “Las Afueras” in Spanish, were all the areas outside Casco Viejo. They used to be a mix between country houses (Bella Vista),…
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A suggestion from one of our dear expat neighbors for a flash – blog: it might be of your interest to be reminded that all Americans Expats living in Panama have to report before June 30 to the US Government …
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Panama, Casco Viejo Casco Antiguo, San Felipe Flash post! The Saint Malo Music Festival just inaugurated. Check it out at: MAY 2008 FRIDAY 30 8 PM Teatro Nacional de Panamá Tickets: $2, $5, $10, $15 Elementary and High School…
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Panama, Casco Antiguo Casco Viejo, Plaza Herrera Last night I went to the opening of the show “15000 Watts” at La Casona de Brujas in Plaza Herrera. The show is a meditation on the current energy crisis, in Panama, in…
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Remember to always check our Casco Antiguo Event Calendar at Thursday 29 May: 7:30 p.m. At La Casona: Photographic Art Show about the Energy Crisis. Artists: Miguel Lombardo and Cartooch. You can see more of Miguel´s work at…
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Every year, around September, a group of artists present their work at the Contemporary Art Museum. This year, several “Casco Addicts” are competing: film directors Abner Benhaim and Enrique Castro Ríos. Other years have had photographer Rachelle Mozman, who is…
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