Ah! La Bella Roma! From the cradle of Western civilization to a huge melting pot, for those who have visited or lived in Rome it blows your mind away and steals a piece of your heart. But if you actually…
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The best of the Casco Viejo and the French Expats gathered yesterday to celebrate France´s most important holiday. The party was at Plaza Francia (of course!). Check out photos of the celebration, along with historic photos as far as 1923…
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Someone once told me that if he wanted to know who was going to win the elections he would ask a taxi driver. To know how a country is doing on the investment side, my taxi driver is called hotel…
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It isn´t summer, but somehow Casco Viejo hasn´t slowed down too much regarding cultural events. August 8th will have a special presentation of a German Jazz Duet where all profits will go to social work in Darien. July still gets…
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This is not "body painting", claims the artist Ramon Almanza. Throughout my work I always ended up representing the female form and at some point I thought, it would be great to transfer my vision directly to a female body!…
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Often your best memories of places where you have been are actually from people you have met. In Casco Antiguo we are lucky to still have with us "antique" residents that are very much part of the different textures of…
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Last Friday Casco Viejo´s “usual suspects” gathered around the fire (Lorelei´s Super Gourmet) to enjoy the amazing flavors from Argentinean Wine. This time, it was Quara, which is a hilarious name if you are a Panamanian.
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From Paitilla to Casco Viejo, this project aims to build a huge strip with extra traffic lanes but also with parks and other recreational areas. An ambitious project no one really knew if the company would be able to deliver…
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Panama´s Bienale is coming up in September. This year it features an interesting and almost unexplored theme: the ex Canal Zone, a controversial area that divided the country in two but also helped build the beautiful cultural diversity that Panama…
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There are advantages to living in Casco Viejo when a major event is being held there...
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