A year and so of recession has passed and some investors have started to show signs of optimism. Depending on where you are in the globe, situations might have been a bit different. What has happened in Latin America,…
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The Spanish had it figured out 300 years ago. Today, Casco Viejo seems to be learning from it and translating it well into modern lifestyle!
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"May you live interesting times" says the Chinese curse, but in Panama it was truly an interesting year, especially for its colonial Quarter, Casco Viejo which has seemed to hold the fort.
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Cold is killing you? Panama is around the corner, only 5 hours from New York. Perfect hot summer and tons of adventures ranging from monkeys, whales, fishing, to hanging out with any of their seven indian tribes.
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New year resolution? How about kissing your cash away and being happy about it?
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For the past ten years, Casco Antiguo has gone through a delicate process of revitalization which includes as many angles as a city can afford: urbanism, community, historical architecture protection, legal and so many more.
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This month The Economist has dedicated an article to the Panama Canal and the impact of its expansion throughout this time of crisis. It is worth reading for anyone looking to invest in Panama or know more about it.
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Countries like Panama, where finding US graduated doctors is common, costs for operations are significantly less and where hospitals like John Hopkins backing up a high quality level, offer the best platform to extend the coverage.
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Venezuelans have their eyes on Casco Antiguo, Panama
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Great regional connectivity convinced Heineken and a special law incentive convinced Heineken to move to Panama. Learn more!
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