Casco Viejo`s neighbors start educational campaign
Panama Casco Viejo
Next week, Casco Viejo`s neighborhood and friends association (AVACA) will be joining hands with a dynamic group to launch for the first time ever in the historic district an 11 day campaign to create awareness in the community about recycling and garbage. The team is made of twenty volunteers coming from USA (Generation Peace) plus residents, business owners, local and international NGO`s and the calendar of activities is a mix of everything: working with schools, art workshops, gardening workshops, one on one visits and conversations with residents and businesses and even a Green Patrol where kids will fine or award people with “bright star” stickers (for good behavior) or a “sad face” sticker (for those who litter).
The activity aims to not only to start creating real awareness among young and not so young, but also to create statistics of garbage disposal in the neighborhood, which are now nonexistent and would help the local authorities and the private sector design better strategies. The activity is also working with the local police and health center.
Starting May 18th, these are the groups involved: AVACA, Jardines Urbanos, Sembrarte, Generation Peace (USA), George Washington University (USA), and Aprojusan. Main donors (so far!): Generation Peace, El Rey Supermarket, Cía ATLAS, Magnolia Inn, Papiro y Yo, Arco Properties and Panama Travel. More are joining as we speak! an update will be necessary as the date approaches.
If you would like to join, please reply to this post and we`ll send you all the information!
To all of them… thanks for your incredible energy!!!!