Casco Viejo`s art under the rain
Panama Casco Viejo
Casco Antiguo Panama
Apartments for Sale, For Rent at Casco Viejo
Last night was the inauguration of “Hors Series”, a mini art festival at Plaza Francia featuring French and Panamanian artists. However, the heavy rains got to it and couldn´t really get it going. I guess “La Niña” isn´t much into outdoor events!
But don´t dispair, Hors Series goes through the month of December with several activities.
TONIGHT: Noche Bohemia (Bohemian night)… acoustic guitar by Carlos Mendez.
Saturday 11th: La Tribu Performance. Contemporary Circus with artists from all over the World.
Tuesday 14th: Foto Expo and Indie Spanish Movie
Wednesday 15th: Art Expo and Cindependiente (artists Sara Avital, also will have the participation of Israel Ambassador).
Thursday 16th: Kids Rock the World ! One of our favorite neighborhood talent and Metallica fan: Zed, who will be playing with his band: Zed & The Green Sky
Friday 17th: Panamanian folk – fusion. National rock artist Cienfue playing Milagros Blades.
Saturday 18th: Summer Sunset Groove. Visual art.
Sunday 19th: Atardecer Ambiental Los Colorados. Environmental animation.
Tuesday 21st: Sunset Bolero, by Yomira John
Wednesday 22nd: Pecha Kucha Night. 10 artists, 20 images, 20 seconds each image.
Thursday 23rd: Señor Loop will be closing the event!