Casco Viejo Carnivals: a time to disconnect! | Arco Properties


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Casco Viejo Carnivals: a time to disconnect!

Casco Viejo Panama Casco Antiguo

Lifestyle at Panama`s Historic City


During carnivals, the country turns upside down. Almost literally, I would say everyone who has a house at the countryside or a car moves there for the holidays. So basically, Panama City (and Casco Viejo) empties and it shows. It becomes a zen paradise, with almost no cars, nothing really going on. Very few restaurants open, so you are forced to disconnect! or to create your own fun…

Which is what we did!!!!

Saturday afternoon we organized an impromptu cocktail party at Clementinas at the rooftop. Casqueños that “stayed behind” came and had a great time. Other than that, I enjoyed walking around, checking out the eventual group of kids with water balloons (and eggs) chasing a poor girl around to smash the egg on the head. Big smile on their faces, thoughts of retaliation were seen in her eyes.  Don`t worry, I know she`ll get them. Might not be today, nor tomorrow. But she will, no doubt about that.

As a matter of fact, I was more worried about myself walking around. I saw several getting wet under the sudden “splash” of water coming from one of the balconies. Carnival is known for that, if you don`t watch out, they`ll splash you.  My dog would have looooved it, but somehow I don`t know if I would have been as enthusiastic.  I`m glad we took the Casco Park car around, it was comfortable and kept me dry!!! Here is a photo of a group that took it around, the car works connecting parking spots throughout Casco Viejo.

The other photos are from the Afroantillian Fair that was also this weekend.  It was fun to check out Panama`s Caribbean food, books and dances all in one spot. People were having a great time dancing to calypso and eating “bon” bread.  I believe the Congo Devil`s Festival is coming soon.. so keep posted! I think it is late March or maybe April.
