I think these pictures speak for themselves…. For those who didn´t make it, don´t be too jealous, this could be you, just don´t forget to plan for next year!!!!! Patrizia Pinzon President Arco Properties www.arcoproperties.com
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This week´s Prima Panama newsletter announced an article at the Finance Daily ( http://www.financedaily.co.uk/showArticle.aspx?loadid=00880 )A Sound Investment: What To Invest in Now With volatile markets, stock exchange slumps, property declines and experts predicting a year of market uncertainty, are the…
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This week´s Prima Panama newsletter announced an article at the Finance Daily ( http://www.financedaily.co.uk/showArticle.aspx?loadid=00880 ) A Sound Investment: What To Invest in Now With volatile markets, stock exchange slumps, property declines and experts predicting a year of market uncertainty, are…
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A while ago I wrote about how I enjoyed my life in Casco Viejo and the opportunity this business gives me to help other people or just make my neighborhood better. Here is a concrete example: Las Clementinas. This is…
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For those who thought it would never happen, or that it would take ages… it is real and going forward at full speed. The cinta costera project is a huge park along the coast that involves new lanes to deal…
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This is one of the things I enjoy most of living in Casco Viejo: there is always an interesting cultural event going on. Last sunday it was Drum Fest… a loud but very enjoyable (somehow) event where hearts pumped at…
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You can download full reports for each country at: http://www.eclac.org/cgi-bin/getProd.asp?xml=/prensa/noticias/comunicados/5/32025/P32025.xml&xsl=/prensa/tpl/p6f.xsl&base=/tpl/top-bottom.xsl For Panama, here is the summary: In 2007, Panamanian economy grew 9.5%. This is Panama´s 4th year of sustained growth where the GNP per person has incremented 7.7%. For 2008…
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Is Panama on its way to become the new Hong Kong of Latin America? a wild thought, and quite unthinkable ten years ago… but not all that crazy these days. Think about it: all the companies that are moving their…
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Last night I was sitting in a beautifully restored 300 year old church listening to sacred and Christmas music in a concert given by Musica Viva, a very well known Panamanian choir. It took me 6 minutes to walk from…
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What does this mean for Panama? a huge change culturally and economically. Panama has the amazing good fortune of having oceans to both sides of the country. However, when the main capital of the country grew in population and houses,…
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