patrizia | Arco Properties - Part 6

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Kids activities in Casco Viejo

Panama Casco Viejo The other day I was talking to a friend and he told me how amazed he was at the number of activities his kids were, and all of them between a few blocks from each other. Knowing…

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Street games in Casco Viejo

Panama Casco Viejo, Casco Antiguo My belly was hurting from so much laughter! Outside my office I heard this really loud noise, children screaming laughing and things falling down, stumbling. I went out and the APROJUSAN kids where playing “congelada”…

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Loving my mini urban garden in Casco Viejo

Panama Casco Viejo, Casco Antiguo Check this out! my collection now includes: lemon grass, rosemary, basil, chili peppers, tomatoes, red berries and… welcoming squash and watermelon! yes, those are the seeds you see sprouting in the little egg container. Exciting!…

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Onplog Casco Viejo

Panama Casco Antiguo, Casco Viejo Casco keeps attracting young, creative entrepreneurs! Welcome to Itav and Nina, from OnPlog, Casco`s newest rock bar at Calle 11. Just a few steps away from La Rana Dorada!  Loved the decoration, using recycling materials,…

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Bienal del Sur Casco Viejo

Panama Casco Viejo, Casco Antiguo   I kind of dig the mystery and awe of bumping into good/ interesting art in the street. When I travel, I always look for those big or small corners of human expression, that space…

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