Art takes over garbage in Casco Viejo | Arco Properties


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Art takes over garbage in Casco Viejo

Casco Antiguo, Panama

Last Sunday, a group of eighteen artists joined from an art organization called SEMBRARTE hands with AVACA, Casco Viejo`s Friends and Neighborhood Association to create beautiful garbage cans that will be donated by this non profit to the neighborhood.

As it has been proved in so many cities around the world,  getting the community involved in the solution of a specific problem is the best way to deal with it long term, even if it takes time to “build momentum”.  Last year, AVACA set up a recycling program that is being used today by restaurants and residents.  For Christmas, a beautiful “tree” was set up at Plaza Catedral, Casco`s main plaza, made out of plastic bottles.

This first batch of 18 cans will be just the starting point, as AVACA`s goal is to reach a 100 cans (let`s call it 200 … just in case!).  The distribution and educational program that will follow  is already being coordinated with Casco`s Health Center.

Here is the list of artists that worked on creating the cans.  Thanks so much for their passion!!! It was an amazing experience, some of them literally “walked in” during the event, and couldn´t resist asking if they could paint a can themselves. Absolutely!

Marissa Chapman
Insano (Danny Baker)
Frank Arte (Frank Ferrer)
Remedios (Camila Bernal)
Alex Wtges
Enrico Ardines y Patricia Morales
Enrique Jaramillo Barnes y Lady
El Duende (John Fernandez)  y Steph Jumel
Rolando de Sedas
Kimchay Alfredo
Ricaurte Him
Shiki (Yanneth Albornoz)
PULUM (Javier Ignacio Lee) y Said Isaac                                                                       Melanie Endres y K.E.E.N.E
Mariery Young

Congratulations to all AVACA members that contributed to this first batch.  If you wish to help AVACA reach its goal with this wonderful project, just post here and we`ll send you all the information!