Silent Auction: Doors of Casco Viejo Reimagined

Panama, Casco Viejo, Casco Antiguo

I`m excited! On July 29th, Casco Viejo`s Neighborhood Association AVACA is holding a special fundraising event: it is a silent auction of original old doors of Casco Viejo, re imagined by amazing local artists.

By re imagined we mean everything: painted, worked at, sculptured, you`ll love it! .I`ve seen some finished already and they are awesome.  And how can they not be? the artists involved are some of Panama`s most recognized names: Amalia Tapia, Eduardo Navarro, Rolo de Sedas, Miky Fabrega , Alexander Wtges, Braulio Matos, Christopher Hancock, Ivan Blasser, Insano, Leslie Nielsen, Maria Camila Bernal and a couple more surprises!

They`ve all plunged into the idea of how to re interpret doors that have so many stories to tell. Each one in an exciting way is weaving their style into the poetry of the door itself. What a unique way to acquire a piece of Casco`s history and Panama`s culture!

You can´t miss this event…

  • Where: American Trade Hall
  • When: July 29th, 8 p.m.
  • Dress code: Coctail Dress
  • Bring: Your checkbook!
  • More info:
  • Can´t come? get someone empowered to bid for you!

Get ready for a beautiful surprise! want to see more? follow AVACA at  their Facebook

Rolo de sedas puertas Puerta 1